“What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” –Rupi Kaur
Five years as a franchisee
This month I celebrate 5 years as a franchisee for Women in Business Networking WIBN. I wanted to add another platform to allow women to develop in confidence and find voice so that they could create awareness of their businesses. WIBN sat beautifully with the ethos of my ‘day job’ as a Coach. The dates of launch were the 1st and 8th March – chosen to acknowledge and celebrate International Women’s Day!
The time has flown, and it has been a privilege to see women grow and develop through business networking. However, as a coach, I see so many women, who have self-doubt and confidence issues arise, they do not believe they have got what it takes to follow their dream(s). Why, because they tell me they have no confidence, no finances, no support from their loved ones, are not qualified, no relevant experience and age-related concerns; the reasons are endless. The time has come to stop this noise and find space to breathe and inspire yourself to believing you can!

Alda, my grandmother; an inspiration and someone to remember on International Women’s day
When, I started my own businesses; I could have found an abundance of reasons not to. Yet at the same time what if I didn’t? How would I have looked back at my life? One person who will always inspire me is my grandmother Alda born in 1912, the only daughter in her family. Her mother was widowed in her thirties and her sons were the priority to have an education. Alda was relegated to the bottom of the pile of priorities, at the time education was not granted to girls and women. Married at 16 and a mother of 5 by 30! Life should have been limited for Alda!
Nothing was going to stop her, she taught herself to read and write not in one language but two! She started a dressmaking business which was successful, an eye for detail, she designed, cut, and sewed bespoke outfits that the clients all loved, and I was lucky to have dresses made for me.
Alda, emigrated to England in her 50s, widowed in her early sixties, relocated to Canada, and continued life, starting two further ventures, she never gave up and passed aged 95. What I learnt from this lady and many others that I have met in my life, is that you cannot make excuses for not living life to the full. So, continue to challenge and stretch yourself, turn every stone, seek every opportunity, and if there are difficulties on the way do not stop, keep learning from them, know your reason Why and keeping doing what you love. This way you continue to move forward, to focused and inspired, to then fulfil all your aspirations, you have the power within you! Celebrate IWD and in the year to come #choose to challenge yourself!
#ListenTalkInspire #AuthenticIndivduality #Voice #Confidence #IWD #ChoosetoChallenge2021
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Further reading
The Journey by Mary Oliver to Celebrate International Women’s Day
One day you finally knewwhat you had to do, and...
Trust the process
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