Why do we stop doing things that we were once good at? It may have been something that came easy, or one where you spent time learning how to do it and enjoyed it, you found it a relaxing escape. Of course, there can be many reasons why we stop doing something that we were good at. These may include lack of interest or passion, fatigue at doing the same thing, time pressures, other priorities or circumstances, or external factors or a desire to try something new. There are many reasons however, ask yourself why did I stop, what was my reason?

Recently I revisited a few old cookery books and realised that I had stopped cooking a lot of much-loved favourite recipes. With this in mind I decided to challenge myself to try them out again. To my surprise, I actually loved taking time out to do these recipes, it rekindled my love of cooking bringing joy not only to me but also to friends and family.

What did I learn?

I have reflected on this and what I learnt was that I had written a whole script of reasons why I couldn’t possibly do them.

I could also see how my avoidance, perfection and restlessness got in the way too, from: time pressures, it’s too detailed/complex, ‘it will be a disaster’ because I haven’t done it for a long time, better to be excited by trying a new recipe instead.

The reality was that it was so much easier than I could possibly imagine, it was rewarding, a sense of accomplishment! It has boosted me to enjoy the art of cooking rather than it being a daily task.

What things have I stopped doing?

I wonder how many other things I have stopped doing because it compromised with what I should be doing (expectations) rather than what I want to be doing? I am always juggling my work with things I love doing that bring creativity, time out and also an opportunity to do something that can give me breathing space with problems and then being able to refocus. Being able to rebalance and come back refreshed/recharged and finding new solutions. A feeling of seeing the wood from the trees!


Why do I share this with you?

  • What is it that you have stopped doing that brought you relaxation, fun, fulfilment?
  • Was it a hobby, a sport, a task in your job (that you once loved)?
  • Or did you want to start something new but decide to stop before you began?
  • What have been your reasons to stop?
  • Are you currently feeling stuck, stagnant, stressed, or overwhelmed?
  • Could it be because you are not creating a good balance between work and home, feeling compromised or even guilty for taking time out?

Why it’s important evaluate what brings us joy.

It’s important to regularly evaluate what brings us joy and satisfaction and if need be, make adjustments accordingly if we want to rebalance our lives, reduce stress, look after our wellbeing and relationships, build our confidence and resilience. This way we create an optimum to what is important to us in our life.

Start with small steps

To rekindle something you loved doing, try starting with small steps. Setting time each week to do that activity for even a few minutes is better than making no time. Reflect on why you enjoyed it in the first place and try to recreate that feeling. Additionally, try finding a buddy, a community or group that shares your passion to help motivate and inspire you. Ensure to make time, we are all given the same amount of time each week.

“The key is to remember to create the balance between what you are expected to do with what you want to do.”

If you would like to create a balance in your life and are not sure where to begin, then please contact me.

Evelyn Hoggart

Photo credits:

Thanks to Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Thanks to Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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