Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated! (Osho) This is a great reminder that Life should be lived and loved to the full, celebrate everything not only monumental achievements, special milestones, or great events in our lives – celebrate everything!...
Who or what inspires you? The answer to that may not be as obvious as you think.Inspiration is powerful and can profoundly transform the thought processes needed to recognise our abilities, in my experience, it very often comes from very everyday experiences, people...
Balance As the holiday weekend approaches – reminds all of us to have fun! Take time off to enjoy yourself! Having Fun is good for you, it can help you in so many ways, increasing energy, creativity connecting with others and kicking off our feel-good hormones and...
During the Easter break don’t forget to have fun! Work – Rest – Play! Having play and fun is not only for children! It is a valuable source of relaxation, it’s a way to support you in so many ways from releasing endorphins, improving brain functionality, memory,...
Balance In the last year our working landscape has changed; a click of a button on our computers/phones enables us to attend everything, allowing us to be transported to locations both global or local, our new mode of time travel! My long commutes had disappeared,...