Who or what inspires you? The answer to that may not be as obvious as you think.Inspiration is powerful and can profoundly transform the thought processes needed to recognise our abilities, in my experience, it very often comes from very everyday experiences, people...
During the Easter break don’t forget to have fun! Work – Rest – Play! Having play and fun is not only for children! It is a valuable source of relaxation, it’s a way to support you in so many ways from releasing endorphins, improving brain functionality, memory,...
Fifty new things in a year! This year I decided that I would do 50 new things in the next 12 months, something to stretch me, test my capabilities and learn or improve new skills!Since January, I have completed a knitted blanket a project well overdue for completion)...
“What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” –Rupi Kaur Five years as a franchisee This month I celebrate 5 years as a franchisee for...